Let’s Start

As you can see in the photos attached, our partner in Zambia, Mr. Enrico Carretta, attends the choice of the place where the schools will be built, the cleaning of the ground, the installation of the pickets and the beginning of the excavation for the foundations that will be carried out by the inhabitants of the villages, recipients of our schools. The active participation of those, who will then take advantage of the facilities, is essential for a continuity of use of what this people receives as a gift. The chosen area is suitably close to the well, built in 2019 by our friend Aldo, the person thanks to whom all this began. These are hard times for our country and everyone is rightly worried about themselves and their loved ones. Myself, like Aldo and many of you, live in Bergamo and we have full understanding of the size of this tragedy. But seeing realized something immediately useful for those who have nothing, especially the most defenseless people, children, we believe it helps to feel ourselves useful and gives a hope for a better future.
Even for all of us.
Thanks for your valuable help and keep reading..