Donate a kindergarten

Help us build an early childhood school or Help us train teachers
We act in southern Africa. The most famous son of these territories, Nelson Mandela, whose teaching helped to change this part of the world, said: “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated” and on another occasion “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
Introducing children to a school as early as possible is, in our opinion, a prerequisite for starting this process.If you think so too, you can help us achieve this goal.
Our project involves the construction of 8 early childhood schools which, complete with teaching tools and playground, will cost only 20,000.00 euro each.  If any of you know of a company, an entrepreneur or a group of people who would like, perhaps in the name of a loved one, to set up a kindergarten in Africa, or to finance a year’s study course, you can tell him he can do it within the above costs.
And our Association is a fully authorized, allowing deductions for Italian citizens according the new facilitated regime for Third Sector entities (Legislative Decree 117/2017).
Every euro collected is directly invested in the project, as the members are all volunteers and finance themselves and the expenses generated.
Thank you in advance for your support.