Meeting with Mr. Molutsi

We decide to try otherwise and we remember Mr. Molutsi, Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Council, met in our visit to Gaborone. We write to him the letter that you can read just  clicking here. Incredible! Extremely kind to us, answers the same evening, making an appointment for the next morning! Cordial meeting, but the problem relates to who will draw up the official invitation. Giulia meets also Ms. Tiny Ntshinogang, Principal Education Officer of the Department of Pre and Primary Education. She knows the Project from April 2013. During our stay, she is always been with us at every meeting. Never raised any objection. Now she advances some concern for possible social problems when, after the third year, we will not pay any more the salaries of the teachers! Because these concerns now? And it makes sense, when, without spending one cent, at totally zero cost, we form a class of kindergarten teachers, we create a course of study that does not exist in their organization, activate a series of small kindergartens, economically independent, in the remotest areas? Can a Government interested to education much more than most of other African countries ignore (boycotting it seems excessive) an opportunity like this? The discomfort increases, the group shows some cracks, Giulia does not believe in it anymore and all of us begin to think if it makes sense to insist in a country so ungrateful, when the whole planet is in trouble.